A big congrats to Joyce fromthissideofthepond for having done 100
hodgepodge meme's. From what I am reading she could/couldn't be
the path of Sandy...Joyce I am sending you prayers that you are safe as
well as your family!!!
1. What creeps you out?
Spiders, Snakes, slugs, bugs you can cut in 1/2 and they still run away
2. What's your least favorite candy?
Black Licorice that stuff is nasty!!
3. Are you a fan of scary movies? What's the scariest movie you've ever seen?
Not really into the horror type like Joyce, and yes the Exorcist was so scary.
But, one of the movies leaving me with a bad feeling..was the SAW movies
4. What part of life confuses you the most?
people who abuse children, and why people like that is allowed to have children
when people who really want children can't have them
5. Pumpkin, sunflower, sesame, poppy...your favorite seed?
Pumpkin I could eat my weight in those
6. Imagine your life ten years from today...what's changed?
one thing i can say is that I hope my parents are still with me,
and that I am watching my great niece grow up, I have missed the first 8 months of her life ( I am 1600 miles from my family) that I am as happy
then as now...and living with the love of my life.
7. What do you a) love most and b) like least about the Hodgepodge?
what I love most is all the comments, and other bloggers reading their answers
what I like least, wow that is a tough one, since I always look forward to the HP
8. Insert your own random thought here.
IF you are out and about on the roads in a car tonight, please be berry berry
careful and make sure to watch for the little Ghost n Gobblins out trick or
treating....we want everybody alive. And please do not get behind the wheel if you are drinking....."as the saying goes arrive alive do not drink and drive"