Thank you to a fellow blogger for opening my eyes!!!
When reading my blog post from other bloggers my eyes were opened very wide,
First, of all we complain about every day life and there is always somebody
who is far worse than we are. The complaining never stops, ie: its too hot, too cold, too much traffic, not enough money. Something is always wrong, we are never happy always bellyaching about what our problems are.
Have you ever thought?
You have a home? you have food? a car? family? your health?
and the person on the street who has major health problems is struggling to
get even a sandwich. Then you have the homeless vet, who is a vet from
the Korean or Vietnam era living in a box with only the clothing on his back?
and we complain about not having everything that you want?
The blogger that opened my eyes has major health problems and yet she is not
a complainer (she completely puts her trust in Jesus) and we stump our 'toe and it is a major crisis....I am not one to complain about things in life, I will
never again complain about simple little life ailments and I am grateful
for what I have vs what I do not have.
I open my eyes every morning to beautiful mountains all around me, and still people complain about where they live....God put the beauty here on earth for us to enjoy.....SO PLEASE STOP AND STOP AND SMELL THE ROSES
before it is too late.
Amen, beautifully said my friend. I love you.