If you have never stopped over here at the hodgepodge you are truly missing out http://joyce-fromthissideofthepond.blogspot.com Joyce post 7 random questions then last your own random thought.
Stop by and show her some love.
Grandma Got Run Over by the Hodgepodge-Volume 56Gosh Wednesdays roll around quicker and more often in December don't they? If you are ducking some holiday chore like baking or wrapping or cleaning then welcome! And if you're one of those super organized, plan ahead, never procrastinate, have Christmas shopping done in September types, well I guess you're welcome too. Actually everyone is welcome in the Wednesday Hodgepodge...
1. Will you be hosting any house guests between now and the end of December? Does that thought make you happy or crazy? Do you do anything special to make your house guests feel welcome? How long should a guest stay? I put will be sharing Christmas with my family..we always do Christmas at my brother n sister n laws, however I may have to put my uncle and his family up for a little while...its a surprise to mom to see her brother for Christmas. Company makes me really happy as I normally get to see my uncles and aunts 2 times a year. We will all go to a restaurant of their choosing. I am thinking a week to 2 weeks is good...but if they have to stay longer its cool too
3. What's the last thing you purchased that you realized was a mistake after the fact? I would have to say the home that I am living in now It is 100 yrs old structurally good but everything else is going kpoot
4. What percentage of your Christmas shopping is done online? I do not do online shopping
5. Amaryllis...snowdrop...poinsettia...your favorite winter blossom? Poinsettia because my Amaryllis always blooms after Christmas
6. What is one thing on your personal wish list this year? I think we all want peace on earth so let's make this an actual item. That life will get back to normal soon!
7. If you could only use one word today what would it be? Forgiveness
8. Insert your own random thought here.
wherever your friends are there your enemies will be as well. For the people who are trying to destroy me you will not win, I am stronger in my faith than any of you ever know. I have a much higher power than any of you will ever know. I know what I know....and you will all reap what you have been sowing.
Ephesians 6:10 Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might.
When I asked my hubs about purchases he regrets he said the house : ). We love our house but I think he is ready to downsize and simplify. One of the reasons I plan to enjoy all my house guests while I have the room to host!
ReplyDeleteWe downsized a few years ago and purchased an older house. It was difficult for me to get use to some things--I miss my laundry room so much-but not the five bathrooms! Enjoyed your random thought and how true it is.