Thursday, April 21, 2011

Thankful Thursday


Whats on your Thankful list this week. Come join in with Tara over at "Undeserving Grace"

 1.   Salvation (thank you Jesus for dying for all our sins)
 2.   Love between Gator and I
 3.   My parents (are still in great health)
 4.   My pets (who love me unconditionally)
 5.   Rain to get us out of our drought
 6.   Friends
 7.   A dependable car
 8.   Electric (so right now I can keep warm)
 9.   A roof over my head
10.  Ears to hear music through
11.  Food on the table
12.  Internet so that  I can do my blog and facebook
13.  My health (thankfully I am in decent health)
14.  My new glasses so I can see all that God has to offer me better
15.  Living in the best country in the world (UNITED STATES OF AMERICA) God Bless us!

Thank you Bethe for getting me onto some of the other challanges.



  1. Great thankful list. I love each one. Not sure which one would be my favorite.

  2. I am reaching out to you to pray for my eldest grand daughter, Summer, who just lost her baby. She was due to deliver her precious son on May 30th, After not feeling movement she went for an ultrasound and her worst fear was realized. She will deliver either late tonight or tomorrow.
    Thanks for being a great friend,


Comments always welcome

Remember we are saved by Grace through Faith! Ephesians 2:8